Q-SYS Level One Training
In this innovative, modular online course you’ll learn the basics of designing a Q-SYS system while receiving an overview of Q-SYS Designer software in the context of a conference integration.
- Basic Q-SYS Platform introduction, including hardware and software elements
- Telephony, AEC, and automatic mixing
- Designing user control interfaces
- Audio bridging via USB
- Creating a complete Q-SYS System for a conference area
Q-SYS Level Two Training
Building upon lessons learned in Q-SYS Training Level 1, this Q-SYS classroom course gives you hands-on-experience, deployment techniques, user control interface creation, advanced paging application and a brief introduction to networking and control. Each student will work on dedicated Q-SYS Core processors and control peripherals. The class conducts with a comprehensive troubleshooting exit exam drawn from real installation scenarios.
- Connect to real Q-SYS hardware
- User control interface design
- Advanced Q-SYS processes/concepts
- Often taught by guest lecturers from Q-SYS product development teams
Q-SYS Control Training 101
This is the perfect course for integrators looking to branch into control programming, or for programming experts who are looking to apply their knowledge specifically on the Q-SYS Platform. Control 101 introduces students to the fundamentals of programming and scripting.
- Lua basics
- Plugin usage/Q-SYS Asset Manager
- Block Controller (visual programming tool)
- Control Components
Q-SYS Control Training 201
Control 201 is an in-classroom, hands-on experience that explores the various methods that the Q-SYS Platform can integrate with third party devices. Each student will work on a dedicated Q-SYS workstation, as well as a variety of third party control peripherals commonly found in meeting room.

Q-SYS Video Training 101
Learn how to distribute native HDMI video on the Q-SYS Ecosystem. This training shows how to optimize your software-configurable NV Series network video endpoints for your meeting room.
- NV Series (NV-32-H) I/O capabilities overview
- Fundamentals of streams, resolutions, EDID and HDCP
- Benefit of Q-SYS Shift adaptive video codec
- Video wiring basics in Q-SYS Designer Software
- Decoupling/routing HDMI Audio
- Configuring for simultaneous video streaming on a single NV-32-H
- Using NV-32-H for web conferencing applications (Zoom, Microsoft Teams, etc)
Q-SYS Quantum Level 1
QSC Quantum Program Level 1 is an advanced troubleshooting and support training that will take you beyond the basics of system design and equip you with the right tools and insights to help customers solve some of the most challenging issues with existing system designs and installation.
- Best practices in gain structure, AEC and EQ
- Diagnose advanced AV networking problems
- Advanced Video configuration (EDID)
- SIP & POTS Telephony troubleshooting
Q-SYS Enterprise Manager Technician Training
Before you start taking full advantage of remote monitoring and management with Q-SYS Reflect Enterprise Manager, this course will take you through the initial setup process.
- Understand the vastly simplified architecture of the new Q-SYS Reflect cloud infrastructure, and how it enables Enterprise Manager.
- Learn to connect your entire Q-SYS system to Enterprise Manager.
- Prep your network to enable Enterprise Manager.
- Build simple connections for third-party devices using the Monitoring Proxy